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15 Jan 2022

Defter Notes in practice

User Highlight:

Our notebooks and journals are an extension of our personal spaces. In the user highlight series, I talk to Defter Notes users and explore how they use the iPad app. This week I had a chat with Rudex.

09 Dec 2021

Architectural Sketches with Defter Notes

Architectural Sketching with Defter Notes on the iPad

A quick guide to developing your architectural sketching style. Tips, techniques and key points that can help.

02 July 2021

Defter Notes in practice

I just started keeping a food journal and It’s already changing the way I eat.

Since I am on social media detox I didn’t know what to do with all those pictures of the food I’ve been cooking (and eating).

04 July 2021

Defter Notes in practice

Handwriting: A personal touch.

Notice the way you write letter "a" or the way your "y" is curved? Every time you write down these characters there are many micro imperfections in your handwriting that defers from a font.

12 May 2021

Defter Notes in practice

Reasons to use Defter Notes as a digital notebook

What makes a realistic paper experience reflect on a digital device? Use gestures, multiple pages, handwriting tools and more.

24 Feb 2021

Defter Notes in practice

5 unique ways Defter Notes can help with your workflow on the iPad.

In a time when every other note taking app is either text or page based, Defter Notes provides a unique alternative.